Tech Booster is the best professional training institute for Programming in C,C++,JAVA and Android

  • October 16, 2016
Tech Booster is the best professional training institute for Programming in C,C++,JAVA and Android

 C language is a universal procedural programming language on which certain other programming languages like Perl, PHP, Python and objective C have been borrowed. This language facilitates structured programming and it is found in applications that have been coded in assembly language. This language is available on a wide range of platforms from embedded microcontrollers to supercomputers. It also has the feature in which more than one assignment can be performed in a single statement. Almost all the OS programs such as Windows, UNIX and Linux are written by C language.

C is a general-purpose, linear programming, including imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations. By design, C provides constructs that map efficiently to typical machine instructions, and therefore it has found lasting use in applications that had formerly been coded in assembly language, including operating systems, as well as various application software for computers ranging from supercomputers to embedded systems

C training provided by Tech Booster Institute of Professional Studies for the students with a comprehensive study of the C programming language. We strain the strengths of C, which provide programmers with the means of writing efficient, maintainable, and portable code. We provide our training session with lab exercises.


JAVA is the object oriented, similar to C++ high-level programming language and architecture neutral developed by Sun Microsystems.Java was originally called OAK. Object Oriented meaning the capability to reuse code. Secondly, it is platform independent i.e. we don't have to develop separate applications for different platforms. It is possible to develop a single application which can run on multiple platforms like Windows, UNIX, and Macintosh systems. Java was designed for hand -held devices and set-top boxes.

Java Features:

1)Compiled and Interpredted:- Mostly a computer programming language is either compiled or interpreted. Java combines both these approaches thus making Java a two-stage system. First, Java compiler translates source code into what is known as bytecode instructions. Bytecodes are not machine instruction and therefore in the second stage, Java interpreter generates machine code that can be directly executed by the machine that is running the java program.

2)Platform Independent:- Java Language is Platform Independent means program of java is Easily transferable because after Compilation of java program bytes code will be created then we have to just transfer the Code of Byte Code to another Computer This is not necessary for computers having same Operating System in which the code of the java is Created and Executed After Compilation of the Java Program We easily Convert the Program of the java top the another Computer for Execution

3)Object-Oriented:- Java is a true object-oriented language. Almost everything in java is an object. All program code and data reside within objects and classes. Java comes with an extensive set of classes, arranged in packages.

4)Robust and Secure:- The Code of java is Robust andMeans ot first checks the reliability of the code before Execution When We trying to Convert the Higher data type into the Lower Then it Checks the Demotion of the Code the It Will Warns a User to Not to do this So it is called as Robust

5)Distributed:- java is designed as a distributed language for creating applications on networks. It has the ability to share both data and programs. Java applications can open and access remote objects on Internet as easily as they can do in local system. This enables multiple programmers at multiple remote locations to collaborate and work together on a single project.

6)Multithreaded and Interactive:- Java uses Multithreaded Techniques For Execution Means Like in other in Structure Languages Code is Divided into the Small Parts Like These Code of java is divided into the Smaller parts those are Executed by java in Sequence and Timing Manner this is Called as Multithreaded In this Program of java is divided into the Small parts those are Executed by Compiler of java itself Java is Called as Interactive because Code of java Supports Also CUI and Also GUI Programs.

7)Dynamic and Extensible Code:- Java has Dynamic and Extensible Code Means With the Help of OOPS java Provides Inheritance and With the Help of Inheritance we Reuse the Code that is Pre-defined and Also uses all the built in Functions of java and Classes.

Career Opportunity:

In simple words almost anything that u can think of in this technical world implementation is possible with java.Java has a vast scope in the trending technologies includes Hadoop, Machine learning , etc.Talking about its scope java is something that is going to stay long even from now. Use of java in Android and lot others predicts that upto n years it will stay. Where n>=50.Java is an ever green language and scope will always be there. With java you are assured that there will be no recession for java developer.

Course Contents:

Introduction to JAVA

  • History and Features of Java
  • Comparison of C, C++, and Java
  • Java Versions and its domain areas
  • Life cycle of Java program
  • Writing first Java program
  • Analyze the tokens of Java program

Data Types, Identifiers and Variables

  • Java data types
  • The concept of Variables, Operators, and control Statements

Input / Output

  • Getting Input from the keyboard using Scanner class
  • Displaying Output with printf, println, and print methods

Classes & Objects

  • The concepts of OOPS
  • What is the class and object
  • How to create a class and object
  • The content of class (blocks, variables, constructors, methods etc)
  • Access modifiers
  • The Constructors (the internals)

Methods in JAVA

  • Method prototype and signature
  • Method overloading and methods with var-args
  • Method with parameters (primitives and reference)
  • How to return primitive/reference from a method

Relationship between objects

  • The implementation of Association
  • How to implement association and aggregation in java

Inheritance & Polymorphism

  • Concept of Inheritance
  • The 'this' and 'super' keyword
  • The introduction to Object class (the ultimate super-class) and its methods
  • The garbage collection in java
  • The Concept of Abstract Class and abstract methods
  • Concept of Interface and their internal
  • Multiple Inheritance using interfaces
  • Abstract Class Verus Interface

Exception Handling

  • What is Exception in Java
  • Need of exception in Java Difference of exception and error
  • The try/catch/throw/throws/finally keywords
  • Multiple Exceptions
  • Custom Exception
  • Assertions in Java and their usage

Multi Threading

  • What is a Java thread Need of thread in Java
  • The constructor and methods of Thread class
  • Life cycle of Java thread
  • Writing Thread using Thread Class and Runnable Interface
  • Daemon and Non-Daemon thre
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